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AFPW Penny Stocks Energy
Alumfuel Power Corp is on the `green` side of things in the Penny Stock world with their Innovative Portable Hydrogen Technology. Alternative Energy Penny Stocks are hot, Find out why AFPW is on fire.

Rating: 1.8 Total score: 18 (10 votes)
Animals Rescue
Peace4animals is a leading Animal Rights Organization. With our expertise in Wild animal rescue, charity and welfare we aim to have a world that lives in peace with all animals.

Rating: 3 Total score: 12 (4 votes)
Carbon Offsets
Explaining global warming from a to z, including tips on how to reduce your carbon footprint, evaluating and calculating your remaining carbon footprint, measuring the amount of carbon offsets needed to erase that footprint.

Rating: 2.7142857142857 Total score: 76 (28 votes)
Generation Green
Everyone can play their part. By completing an Energy Savers Report and pledging to be more energy efficient, you can earn leaves to donate to a school of your choice.

Rating: 1.5909090909091 Total score: 35 (22 votes)